Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I made these doing a chain of 180. One row of double crochet, six rows of double crochet mesh and continued for a total of 28 rows per panel. I used 100% cotton in ecru.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Pattern-A-Day Calendar

I am so excited. I received an email from Sue Ripley that my pattern was chosen for the 2009 A Pattern-A-Day Calendar. That is so awesome! It is going to be the
June 19th pattern. It is called Blossom in Buff Headband.

This was the first time I submitted one so that is really cool.

For doing so, I receive a free calendar when they are printed. I can't wait!

Happy Crocheting!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ring Bearer's Pillow

I made this for my daughter's wedding. It was my first real sewing experience and I think it turned out great! I just came across a picture of it and wanted to share it with you.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This made me cry...

I am so distraught over this story that I just cannot comprehend how this country has gotten to this point. Here we are spending billions of dollars on a war that is in my opinion and many other Americans not in our best interest and yet we let this happen to our own people.

I sure hope that someone in California sees this woman's story and has a big enough heart to take her in or provide her with some help. I surely would if I lived in her area.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Reality TV

This is my first time commenting on the reality tv shows that I watch. Three shows have come to an end. First Survivor: Probably the best season I have seen yet. A lot of blind siding and female domination! I must say I wasn't pleased with the outcome. Amanda you got robbed plain and simple. You outsmarted everyone with the hidden immunity idol and outplayed Parv and the rest with immunity challenges. I hope you find that your greatest win was your relationship with Ozzy.

Second The Bachelor London Calling: Another great and probably the best right up there with Trista & Ryan. Shayne I have seen a lot of negative threads on ABC message board about you. All I have to say is please ignore the losers. You were magnificent and as Matt said it the best genuine. May you both find happiness and don't let the media ruin things for you.

Third Big Brother: Very disappointed in this show as they aired a few things that shouldn't have been aired. A couple having sex in the bathroom. Did we really need to know that? Also, the public display of abuse that arrogant James did to Sheila. Come on CBS get real. A little censorship maybe?? And the winner? Adam? Unbelievable!

Looking forward to watching Deanna the next bachelorette. I hope she truly finds happiness. Questioning why these people can't find love in the real world. Oh well just not my cup of tea.

Friday, April 25, 2008

My Sunrise Sunset Afghan

Here is the sunrise sunset afghan in progress. I am about 1/2 way done. I just love making this because it is so much fun to make the squares. Not sure what I am going to do with it. It will most likely be a gift unless I get a really good offer for it. It took a lot of time and work, so I wouldn't let it go without a good offer.

Also, here is a picture of the throw I made as a wedding gift for my soon to be niece-in-law. She is marrying my Godson so I wanted to make her something special for herself on those cold and rainy days. It is the Lacy V Stitch from Leisure Arts 30 Easy-To-Crochet Pattern Stitches. I hope she likes it.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April showers bring May flowers...

Happy April Fool's Day.

Working on the sunrise sunset afghan. Will try to post a picture of it in progress. I am having a great time working on this project it's so much fun!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Florida Vacation and Keith's Wedding

We had the most wonderful vacation!! Couldn't ask for better weather in the 80's all week except for one day and no rain in sight. The house we rented was very accommodating for all of us and it was in the perfect location close to my son's house.

We took the kids to a fun park and the bumper cars were so much fun! We went to a spring training Red Sox game at the City of Palms Fort Myers. Red Sox won. Manny, Cocoa and J.D. Drew were the only big names that played and they played for a short time only. This picture was taken by personnel at the game and they were awful. Look at how they cut the trophy off. It would have been nice to see the whole trophy with the words World Series Champs. I bet they heard a lot of feedback about their photography skills.

We went to the beach and walked a long pier. Soaking up the sun felt so fine after being in this cold weather here at home.

On Saturday March 1st my son Keith got married and the wedding was so beautiful! Everything went very well and much fun was had by all.

I had a very frightening moment at the airport coming back to Massachusetts. I could not find my wallet. Needless to say my husband was not happy with me. LOL. I was really upset but I finally found the darn thing. I had put it in my camera case at the Red Sox Game because I didn't take my purse. Thank God my son Jarrod looked in there because I had given up looking after I emptied my suitcase out practically in the garage at the rental car place.

Nonetheless we had a great time and the flight and all the arrangements were perfect.

Great memories for my whole family. Can't wait to do it all over again.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Congratulations New York Giants

Well my dream did not come true. My team the New England Patriots lost the Superbowl 17-14 to the New York Giants. I was completely disappointed in the way they played the game or should I say the way they didn't play the game.

I am wondering if the news of them spygating the Rams really did them in. Could they have possibly have thrown the game because of it? As I realize this was not the players doing maybe it just drained all what they had and it took the spark out of them. They were not themselves! It was so evident in watching the game. It was truly not the same Patriots that had a perfect season up until that point.

Nevertheless, the Patriots' record ended with 18-1. Not the history making 19-0 that everyone predicted. They were favored to win by 12 points. I am sure there were a lot of people feeling the same way I did on Monday morning. Crap I had a hard time sleeping Sunday night.

Like everyone says there's always next year, but I truly wanted to live the history making moment like everyone else and am devastated by the results.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Go Patriots!

I am so excited! The Superbowl is tomorrow and the Patriots are undefeated. We are going to experience history being made as the Patriots beat the New York Giants and set a new record.

The last team to do this was the Miami Dolphins and their season was shorter.

So here's to you New England Patriots. You make us proud to live in New England.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Black Eyed Susan

I created my second pattern. It is Maryland's state flower the Black Eyed Susan.

Please feel free to use it, but please mention my blog. Thanks and enjoy!

G Hook

100% Brown and Yellow Acrylic Yarn - I used the mill ends that I received from

Stitches Used

SS - Slip Stitch

SC - Single Crochet

Chain 2

SS to form ring.

SC in ring 6 times.

SC in next 6 stitches twice.

Fasten off.

Attach yellow with SS and chain 6

SC in next 5 stitches.

SC in next stitch

Repeat for 8 petals.

Fasten off.

Copyright of crochetbypauline 2008

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Emily Blanket

I am going to attempt my first graph. It will be a blanket for my Granddaughter Emily (whom I haven't met yet). It is from Kim Guzman's pattern. Thank-You Kim! I have transferred the stitches to a written form so it will make it a little easier for me.

The graph is pictured above and I have written the row count. I haven't tested this yet though so I hope it's right.

Foundation Chain 50
Row 1- 50 SC
Row 2- 50 SC
Row 3- 38W 6P 6W
Row 4- 5W 2P 3W 3P 37W
Row 5- 37W 2P 5W 2P 4W
Row 6- 4W 2P 44W
Row 7- 44W 2P 4W
Row 8- 4W 2P 1W 4P 1W 3P 2W 3P 2W 3P 2W 2P 2W 2P 5W 6P 6W
Row 9-4W 4P 1W 2P 2W 2P 2W 3P 3W 2P 2W 2P 1W 3P 4W 2P 4W 3P 4W
Row 10-4W 2P 6W 2P 4W 2P 2W 2P 1W 3P 3W 2P 2W 2P 2W 2P 3W 2P 4W
Row 11-3W 2P 8W 2P 3W 2P 2W 2P 2W 2P 3W 2P 2W 2P 3W 2P 2W 3P 3W
Row 12-3W 2P 3W 2P 2W 2P 2W 3P 3W 2P 1W 3P 1W 2P 4W 2P 8W 2P 3W
Row 13-3W 2P 14W 2P 2W 2P 2W 2P 3W 2P 2W 2P 2W 2P 3W 3P 2W
Row 14-2W 2P 3W 2P 3W 2P 1W 3P 3W 2P 1W 7P 14W 2P 3W
Row 15-4W 2P 12W 11P 3W 3P 2W 2P 2W 2P 3W 2P 2W
Row 16-11W 2P 24W 5P 1W 3P 4W
Row 17-5W 5P 1W 2P 24W 2P 11W
Row 18-10W 2P 3W 2P 21W 5P 7W
Row 19-7W 2P 5W 2P 18W 2P 2W 2P 10W
Row 20-10W 2P 2W 2P 18W 2P 5W 2P 7W
Row 21-7W 2P 5W 2P 23W 2P 9W
Row 22-9W 3P 22W 3P 3W 2P 8W
Row 23-9W 7P 12W 1P 21W
Row 24-20W 3P 27W
Row 25-26W 5P 19W
Row 26-18W 7P 6W 1P 18W
Row 27-17W 3P 4W 9P 17W
Row 28-16W 11P 2W 5P 16W
Row 29-15W 6P 1W 13P 15W
Row 30-14W 15P 1W 6P 14W
Row 31-13W 6P 1W 17P 13W
Row 32-12W 19P 1W 6P 12W
Row 33-11W 7P 1W 19P 12W
Row 34-12W 9P 1W 9P 1W 8P 10W
Row 35-9W 9P 1W 8P 3W 8P 12W
Row 36-13W 6P 5W 6P 1W 10P 9W
Row 37-9W 11P 1W 4P 1W 1P 5W 4P 14W
Row 38-23W 1P 5W 2P 1W 9P 9W
Row 39-10W 7P 3W 6P 24W
Row 40-25W 4P 5W 5P 11W
Row 41-50W
Row 42-50W

I am hoping to start this by the end of the week. I will post a picture as soon as I have it done.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Friday, January 11, 2008

Crochet hook or needle case

I made three of these roll-up hook or needle cases today.

They are for sale on ebay.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Crochet Album


I made this from a McCall's Pattern book. It is made with Red Heart Aran. It is a woman's size approximately 22" circumference. I really liked making the flower it was so fun to do.

It is for sale in my shop.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Doll for Emily

I made this doll for my Granddaughter Emily and named her after her. She can rename her when she gets older as she is only 4 months.

I am not happy with the results. I really don't care for the way her face came out and will probably redo it at some point.

The weather her is going to hit record highs this week. After the deep freeze last week, I am ready for some warmer weather. Weekend is almost coming to an end and back to work tomorrow. I have been fighting a cold and I hope I feel better soon.


Friday, January 04, 2008

Happy New Year!

Wow been really busy and honestly am glad the holidays are over. So tiring and stressful! Too much to do in so little time.

Anyhow I did manage to get some crocheting in. Just finished this adorable baby sweater and booties. I made these out of Caron Simply Soft Country Blue and Off White yarn. I just love this yarn it is so soft and babies look adorable in these.

Keep crocheting till next time....